All the Sweat on my Face!,
Plus the Heart race!,
I pray to God That I didnt leave A single Trace.
Ice Cold, in the Middle of December...........
Kicking and screaming is all I can remember........
I still Smell the blood making its way through the air,
My mind is pitch Black, even my Nightmares is having NIGHTMARES.
I woke up that morning with my everyday depression,
And Mommy Showed me her everyday Aggression...
"You aint Shit "was her favorite words,
Cursing me out as she pull away in her car parked on the curb,
Her Position was absurd,
and my fantasies I manifest flew away like a bird........
The Morning Walk to school was always the best,
IPod is the loudest, and lay my problems to rest.
School was my anti drug,I kept it moving,
Mind was on focus no way I was losing.
My math teacher was great any other day,
I didnt understand what was so different about today....
She was so Sweet, it made you wanna cry, was different.......I could see it in her eyes.
Class started on time, but time was goin real slow,
Me and my niggas throwing paper behind her back so she wouldnt know.
She swung around fast to see me jus throwing the paper,
"Mr. Langley DETENTION!''.....That was the end of that Caper.
When i came to Detention I was the only one there,
My teacher was pissed..... and She had eagle like glare.
She got up with aggression and slammed the classroom door,
she picked up a desk from the corner slammed that on the floor.
She was breathing in my face like a Forest bear,
and as she spoke to me my heart froze in the chair.
"You stupid nigger no wonder your fucking stupid,
you should jus drop out, pack it up, MOVE IT"
A chill came over my body, wit a look of terror on my face,
"And Im going to call your mother, you filthy disgrace...."
My confidence was shot, and feelings beyond hurt,
Questioning my existance, why am i on earth?
Can it get much worse? do I need to goto church?
is this day a blessing or is my life a living curse?
My House was approaching, right down Sugarhill Lane,
I was so happy cuz it was cold and it started to rain.
I ran in the house soaked from head to toes,
I walked up the steps as I took off my wet clothes.
and there was my mother, with her hands over the sink,
With the madness on her face and her eyes Bright pink.
She look at me with anger, there was something odd about her,
I looked at the vodka bottle, and seen her vomit on the counter,
I could tell by her stumbles, the room was spinning all around her.
"That Fucking School Called! You been fucking up AGAIN?!?
I could tell she was drunk from the slurred words, and druel dripping from her chin.
"I hate yo stupid ass your my biggest mistake,
I wish I would could get rid of you now, for my sake!"
The more she insulted, the Blacker my heart turned,
jus" Knock her the fuck out" is what my brain eagerly yerned.
"Fuck you bitch, I dont need you,
You think you kno me but you dont have a clue"
Im a Great student, your a drunk fool,
My teacher is a racist, she cursed me out at school."
I'm tired of this Shit! All you do is lie!,
But you not gonna no more, cuz you wont be alive."
She moved away from the sink, and hit her back against the wall,
as she pulled out the revolver,its weight almost causing her to Fall.
"I love you son, I really really do, But imma correct my mistakes....starting wit you."
Before I could speak, THE GUN LET OFF A ROUND!!! *BANG*
The next thing i seen was the gun hit the ground.
I Crawled to the gun praying that i get it before her,
But She jus froze staring at something, and her eyes began to water.
My mind was at ease I thought it was at a stop,
Untill I looked at my right, And my heart straight Dropped........
The horror struck my heart as soon as the smoke cleared,
to see my baby sister laying in the corner,with blood coming from both ears..
My chest felt like i wasnt breathing any air,
To see her laying there, eyes closed still holding her teddy bear.
I told my mother to stay put I was gonna get help,
I ran to get my phone in the room on my bedroom shelf
I called 911,talked to them for 15 minutes,
Then I heard a loud noise right before I was finished,
I ran down stairs to tend to the sound,
And the horror on my face explains what I found,
No amount of Words Could describe this feeling...........
I found my mother, her eyes close..........hanging from the ceiling.......................................
By @C.Grimm
Awesome read! nothing was expected, which made it even more mind blowing. good job :) keep writing!
BRB Slitting my wrist
very deep love.......cried a lil but words are powerful whn u kno how to connect them......wish much success in all u do muahz!
speechless, this was great. Keep writing
As always your writing hits home... I love it! :) Make 'em think hunny!