Light Skinned Or DIE By: Pot

Posted by Jacpot under

All light skinned women look EXACTLY the same. Matter fact all Light Skinned PEOPLE look exactly the same. I always have a hard time telling you's apart. All light skinned chicks look like Rick Fox from the LA lakers. Light skinned people think they are better then everybody for reasons that Im still confused about. Now before you hall off and start calling me a hater or reverse racist or whatever clever names you wanna call me let me get my point across. Light skinned women for the most part are super stuck up. You can't even say "Hi" to them without getting a sideways glance or straight up ignored. Who do you think you are? Your skin tone don't even match. Why is it that light skinned chicks have dark skinned vaginas? Well I'll tell you why, its because dark skinned women have the best pussy and the light skinned vagina is jealous so over time it evolved into a darker color. Its all science baby I payed attention in class. Light Skinned women are the biggest haters too! Have you ever observed a group of LS women together in the mall? I have, LS women don't go to the mall to shop, they go to crack jokes and hate on every other pretty and well dressed female in the building!

Light Skinned men are a whole nother story. LS dudes have what I like to call "The Yellow Mans Complex." Since most light skinned dudes are soft, they overcompensate in other aspects of their lives giving them a false sense of toughness. They are always the loudest most obnoxious people in the room. Have you ever seen a red bone gangster? Yeah me neither lol. The Yellow Mans Complex is similar to the Napoleon Complex but a lot worse. I did a study on domestic abuse statistics while attending university and in 58% of the cases, the aggressor was a Light Skinned male between the heights of 5'9" and 5'6" So quick message to the ladies, #NEVERTRUST a short light skinned dude. They will abuse you to make themselves feel strong.
Light skinned people are stuck between being white and being black so they live a confused life that often results in hatred towards darker or lighter individuals. With that being said where my dark skinned/ brown skinned ladies at. Holla at me



On June 18, 2010 at 2:03 PM , Jennifer said...

This post brightened my day...LOL. Super funny!!!!!

On July 7, 2010 at 9:24 PM , Piph said...

lol this is funny. but i have to say: i'm a LS woman and i'm not stuck up, i don't go to any mall unless i REALLY HAVE TO, and i don't hate on anybody. but i can say that some bitches are like that... i'm not sure about the mall thing tho

On May 7, 2011 at 9:30 PM , Whitney Spears said...