Fuck Blackberrys!

Posted by Jacpot under

I don't usually go on angry rants but seriously FUCK BLACKBERRY! At first yeah it was a cool phone, I like how easy it is to send and receive emails. The Blackberry Messenger is awesome (when it works), and it has a great camera/camcorder. But 90 percent of the time I try to use this shit it doesn't work how its supposed to! Whats the point of putting features on a phone if you cant use them! As Im typing this message this is day 3 that all data service has been down on my phone which means NO internet, NO Blackberry Messenger, NO MMS, NO Email, No APPS including NO Twitter. I swear this has happened to me at least two days out of every month since I got this phone. Even when the phone has data service you can't do what you want to do on it, lets say someone sends you a youtube link and its longer then say 5 minutes, if you click on the movie from your phone you get an error message. Some people might argue and say "Oh who cares if your twitter goes down," or "so what if your email goes out for a day or two." Fuck that shit! for $102 a month I want EVERY SINGLE FEATURE on my phone to work as advertised. So to wrap it up the blackberry is an over-hyped piece of shit phone. I do not recommend it to anyone. #Teamiphone baby!